As we look to the new year, we are excited about digging in to a better, more regenerative future and how our role in that evolves from awareness to action. 2023 will be a year in which we continue helping our clients, colleagues, and peers think beyond typical design solutions to engage the larger potential of a project.
For true sustainability, every project must contribute to renewing the living systems around it. Our projects will facilitate interaction, resilience, and growth within the different ecosystems they make up. Committing to regeneration is a journey. We are committed to developing our skills and capacity to practice this type of work process — along with our clients’ capacity to do the same — as much as the project itself. Regeneration should be simple by design but transformational in outcome.
Over the last year, we started this commitment internally by forming a talented team of collaborators focused on building a culture of regenerative practice within Little. Our Regen CoLab team — Vickie Breemes, Scott Brideau, Philip Donovan, and Jennifer Todd — partner with our project teams across all offices. Over the next few months, you will learn more about these unique individuals, including how they each bring focus to the ways our projects can reach a higher sustainable impact, leverage project potential in unexpected ways, and elevate our delivery of Results Beyond Architecture.
Our ultimate success means that all Little projects will have a measurably beneficial impact on the lives of all those who experience them. We currently focus on benefits related to Health, Energy, Water and Social Equity (HEWS) as our path to a regenerative future and look forward to sharing more about these key areas of measurement.

We’re excited for you to learn more about each of these uber-talented CoLaborators as we continue our journey this year.